Cost of professional training

Synonymes ou variantes : Cost of vocational training
Vocational training cost
Équivalents : Costo de la formación profesional
Coût de la formation professionnelle
Domaine : Worker


A measure, in terms of time, money and/or labour, of what must be invested in order to educate or develop professionals.


Labour costs count, among others, "[t]he cost of vocational training, which includes such fees and other payments paid by employers for the services of outside instructors, or to training institutions; the cost of teaching material; reimbursement of training (school) fees paid directly by workers; and the cost of vocational training scholarships, etc. Other vocational training costs, such as the cost of repairs, maintenance, interest and depreciation of buildings and equipment used for training are included. "
(International Labour Organization, (ILO), Wage rates and earnings, visited 2010-06-07)

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© Jeanne Dancette