Affirmative action

Synonymes ou variantes : Positive action
Équivalents : Discriminación positiva
Discrimination positive
Domaine : Fair globalization


"Measures targeted at a particular group and intended to eliminate and prevent discrimination or to offset disadvantages arising from existing attitudes, behaviours and structures."
(International Labour Organization (ILO), Affirmative action, Thesaurus, visited 2011-03-15)


Affirmative action policies benefit minority groups, women, disabled persons, gays and lesbians, and people of different ethnic or religious backgrounds. Increasing the employment or education opportunities of these groups is commonly achieved through targeted programs which can in some cases accord preferential treatment to groups deemed to be at a political disadvantage.

Opponents of affirmative action policies argue these methods are merely another equal form of discrimination resulting in the refusal of certain qualified applicants who do not belong to these groups.
Alternatively, rather than according an advantage to a particular group, some tend to focus on ensuring equal opportunity.

Relations sémantiques


Employment equity
© Jeanne Dancette