Domestic outsourcing

Synonymes ou variantes : Onshore outsourcing
Outsourcing at home
Équivalents : Externalisation nationale
Tercerización nacional
Domaine : Production organization


Contracting out the production of goods or services to independent parties in the same country.


"Despite the considerable growth in offshoring, some evidence suggests that this trend will not continue in the long term.
On the contrary, in some cases, outsourcing is moving back to domestic markets and many companies are now looking at ‘insourcing' their operations by internalizing operations that were previously contracted out. This movement towards domestic outsourcing, or insourcing, can be termed ‘retrenchment'. The term also refers to the repatriation of offshored production."
(European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Trends and drivers of change in the knowledge-intensive business services sector: Four scenarios, European Monitoring Center on Change, 2006, visited 2011-02-22)

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© Jeanne Dancette