Synonymes ou variantes : AGRICULTURAL LABOURER
Domaine : Work sector


An individual whose occupation is work in farming operations, primarily in such activities as cultivation and tillage of the soil and dairying. These operations also include any practices which are performed either by a farmer or on a farm, incidentally to, or in conjunction with such farming operations.
(adapted from Anglim, C.T., Labor, Employment and the Law, A Dictionary, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 1997, p. 36)


"Agricultural workers and their families, whether on large-scale plantations or smallholdings or within peasant communities, face many disadvantages in terms of access to credit, markets, social services, labour protection and social security but, lacking voice and representation in local, national and international politics, are often overlooked in poverty reduction strategies."
"The share of wage employment in agriculture, especially the number of wage-dependent smallholders in agriculture, is continuing to increase in virtually all regions, and accounts for some 40 per cent of the world's agricultural workforce. Of the 450 million workers in agricultural wage employment, 20 to 30 per cent are women. Indigenous people and migrants form a significant part of this workforce."
(International Labour Organization (ILO), Working out of Poverty, Geneva, 2003, p. 33-34, visited 2009-05-26)

"Migrant farm workers are classified as independent contractors if they engaged in the harvesting of crops, if they could refuse to work for any particular landowner in preference for another, and if the details of the methods by which they conducted the harvest were not controlled by the landowner. In contrast, courts have found migrant workers to be employees rather than independent contractors when they were dependent on the grower for their continued employment and livelihood."
(Anglim, C.T., Labor, Employment and the Law, A Dictionary, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 1997, p. 310)


The agricultural worker is a rural worker. In addition to agricultural work, rural employment also includes work related to extraction industries, such as mining and logging.

An agricultural worker is defined as "a person employed in a farming, ranching, orchard or agricultural operation and whose principal employment responsibilities consist of: (Employment Standards Branch of the Government of British Columbia, Farm Workers Fact Sheet, 2003, visited 2009-06-26)

Categories of Agricultural Workers

Landowners Tenants Landless The different categories of workers also vary within each country and, in certain cases, a single farmer may come under more than one category. For example, in developing countries, many smallholders supplement their subsistence farming income with wages earned by working on large commercial farms during harvesting periods.

In industrialized countries, most agricultural workers are small-scale landowners who operate farms with varying technical and financial means and produce for the domestic and/or the export market. In Europe, small and medium-sized landholdings are usually family farms, with a high level of productivity. They tend to employ seasonal workers at times of high demand for labour, particularly when they specialize in vegetable, fruit and grape production, where mechanization is not highly developed.
(International Labour Organisation (ILO), Safety and health in agriculture, 2000, visited 2009-05-26)

Relations sémantiques


Agricultural landowner
Agricultural migrant worker
Daily labourer
Field labourer
Large landowner
Rural tenant farmer
Seasonal agricultural worker
Subsistence farmer
Unpaid family worker


Farming activity
Plantation (En)
Small landholding
Agricultural workforce
© Jeanne Dancette