Foreign controlled company

Synonymes ou variantes : FCC
Foreign controlled firm
Foreign-controlled firm
Équivalents : Compañía bajo control extranjero
Société sous contrôle étranger
Domaine : Transnational corporation


"A company that is controlled by an enterprise or other economic unit abroad through an ownership interest of more than 50 per cent."

(Nergaard, K., Eurofound, "Norway: Multinational companies and collective bargaining", European Industrial Relations Observatory On-line, visited 2010-01-15)


Criteria defining the foreign controlled company may vary. For instance, in India, "a company could be treated as a foreign controlled company if, (a) 40 percent or more of its shares were owned in any one country outside India, (b) it was a subsidiary to a parent company in any country registered abroad, (c) 25 percent or more of its shares were owned by a foreign-controlled Indian Joint Stock Company, which was not a managing agent, and (d) it was a company managed by a foreign-controlled managing agency company."
(Dhar, B., "Foreign controlled companies in India: An attempt at identification," Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, visited 07-24-2010)

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© Jeanne Dancette