Non-union worker

Synonymes ou variantes : Non union employee
Non union worker
Non unionized employee
Non unionized worker
Non-union employee
Non-unionized employee
Non-unionized worker
Unorganized employee
Équivalents : Trabajador no sindicalizado
Travailleur non syndiqué
Domaine : Trade union


A worker who does not belong to a union either because there is no union at his or her place of work, or because he or she is excluded from the bargaining unit, or does not wish to be a member of the union.


"The World Bank concedes that unions are good both for the economy and for their members, and are a key factor in reducing inequality. The wage mark-up of organized over unorganized workers is generally substantial and union mark-up for women is often greater than for men."
(International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, New Zealand Prime Minister Leads by Example, 2003, visited 2010-01-14)

"Unionization and firm size have a dramatic effect on the likelihood of being entitled to employer-sponsored health, dental and pension plans. The larger the firm, the higher the chances that a worker is entitled to these benefits. For example, both male and female non-unionized employees of large firms (over 500 workers) have chances 12 times greater to be entitled to a pension plan than non-unionized employees of small firms (less than 20 workers)."
(Human Resources and Social Development Canada, Applied Research Bulletin, vol. 4, num. 1, 1998, visited 2010-01-14)


A non-union worker's terms of employment are not governed by a collective negotiation agreement. Under (unlawful) closed-shop conditions, all individuals who are eligible for membership in the appropriate bargaining unit are technically members of the union. It is possible for both union and non-union members to be included in the bargaining unit and for the non-union employees to receive benefits from the union's negotiating activities and grievance mechanisms.

Relations sémantiques




Anti-union activity
Bargaining unit
Collective agreement
© Jeanne Dancette