En Es Fr

Degree of globalization

Synonymes ou variantes : Degree of internationalization
Équivalents : Degré de mondialisation
Grado de globalización
Domaine : Économie


Extent to which a company's, an industry's or a country's activities are situated outside of its home country.


"The degree of globalization is one crucial index used in measuring international competitiveness." (Salvatore, D., Globalization, Comparative Advantage, and Europe's Double Competitive Squeeze, visited 2010-06-07)

At the company's level
"One empirical measure of a company's or an industry's degree of globalization is the proportion of its assets, sales and employment levels which are outside its home country, and the number (or percentage) of other countries in which it has subsidiaries abroad."
(International Labour Organization (ILO), The social and labour impact of globalization in the manufacture of transport equipment, 2000, visited 2008-05-09)

"Intra-firm trade is an important indicator of the degree of globalisation. In general, the indicator takes four forms, depending on whether it refers to exports or imports from each country's inward or outward investment." (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Measuring Globalisation: OECD Handbook on Economic Globalisation Indicators 2005, consulted 2010-06-07)

At the national level
"The degree of globalization is a difficult concept to measure. The simplest and widely used measure for it is trade openness (import plus export as a percentage of GDP)."
(Lee, W., G., Slotsve, Globalization, world democratization, and the dynamics of income distribution across nations, visited 2010-06-07)

"The degree of globalization is measured in terms of economic integration, the spread of network technologies, the international orientation of the population at large, and the scope of international commitments on the part of the political leadership."
(Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Europe makes a fresh start: The European management model, 2005, visited 2010-06-2010)

At the international level

"[…] the extent of globalisation of an economy is widely measured by cross-country comparisons based on the relative importance of FDI financial flows, income flows and FDI positions as a percentage of GDP."
(Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Measuring Globalisation: OECD Handbook on Economic Globalisation Indicators 2005, consulted 2010-06-07)

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Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette