En Es Fr


Équivalents : Dénationalisation
Domaine : Économie


The process whereby formerly state-controlled activities or realms of influence are transferred to a non-state entity, such as a private enterprise or international bodies. The result of this process is sometimes conceived as deprivation of national rights or characteristics.


"Denationalization refers to a process by which an MNC [multinational corporation] loses (gradually or not) the characteristics that determine its (original or current) nationality. Typically such characteristics regard (a) the dominant nationality among owners and/or key managers, (b) the nation in which key functions are located, (c) the nation in which the parent company is legally established, and/or (d) the national origin of the parent company."
(Granstrand, O., , Internationalization of corporate R&D: a study of Japanese and Swedish corporations, Department of Industrial Management and Economics, Chalmers University of Technology, 1999, visited 2008-09-30)

Denationalization "consists of several specific processes, including importantly, the re-orienting of national agendas towards global ones, and the circulation inside the state of private agendas dressed as public policy. But this denationalizing also can open up space for non-corporate international agendas.

[It may be observed that] this participation by the state in global processes, and the consequent partial denationalization, can also take place in domains other than that of economic globalization. Among these are recent developments in the human rights regime which make it possible to sue foreign firms and foreign dictators in national (rather than international) courts."
(Sassen, S., , "Neither global nor national: novel assemblages of territory, authority and rights," Ethics & Global Politics, Vol. 1, No. 1-2, 2008, visited 2008-09-30)

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Verbe/Nom Denationalize, to
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette