En Es Fr

Domestic worker in forced labour situations

Équivalents : Empleado doméstico en situación de trabajo forzado
Employé de maison en situation de travail forcé
Domaine : Travailleur


A worker who services a building or keeps up a home under the threat of penalty and against his or her will.


Most forced labour is exacted by private agents for economic exploitation - this includes bonded labour and forced domestic and agricultural work.

"Unaccompanied girls are often captured by military and civilian men alike and used either as forced labourers by families in need of domestic workers or as ‘wives.'"
(Conciliation resources, Rural women and girls in the war in Sierra Leone, Conciliation Resources, London, visited 2011-02-22)

Relations sémantiques

Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette