En Es Fr

Dumping (En)

Équivalents : Dumping (Fr)
Dumping (Sp)
Domaine : Économie


The practice of selling a product in a foreign country for less than either the price in the domestic country, or the cost of making the product (economic dumping).


"Mosley (1990) distinguishes three forms of dumping: Replacement of products, movement of capital and low wage policy, and policies to create a secondary labour market to obtain a competitive advantage. Sinn (2001) refers to wage dumping covering wages, working conditions and wage related fringe benefits that make up employers' labour costs, and welfare dumping concerning the redistribution of resources between different types of individuals […].

A reduction in the social standards in the North is a form of social dumping. However, also a deliberate neglect by less-developed countries of the legislation for good social standards in terms of social fringe benefits, protection against injuries, pension schemes, codetermination rights and the like is a form of social dumping."
(Delsen, L., Are European Welfare States Sustainable, University of Gronigen, 2003, visited 2011-02-22)
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette