En Es Fr

Free movement of labour

Synonymes ou variantes : Free movement of workers
Équivalents : Libre circulación de la mano de obra
Libre circulation de la main-d'œuvre
Domaine : Régulation du travail


The possibility for workers to move in search of work freely, thanks to the absence of restrictions on national or international migration.


The free movement of labour is one of the fundamental principles of the European Union.

Movement of Workers and Regional Trade Agreements

"Movement of workers, or labour mobility, is approached in a wide variety of ways in regional trade agreements (RTAs). Some agreements cover the mobility of people in general (i.e. including permanent migration and non-workers); others offer free movement of labour (including entry to the local labour market); others are limited to facilitated movement for certain kinds of trade- or investment-related activities; and others, like the GATS [General Agreement on Trade in Services], are confined to temporary movement and only for service suppliers (and explicitly exclude entry to the labour market or permanent migration). Additionally, some cover workers at all skill levels, while others are limited to the higher skilled."
(Nielson, J., Labour Mobility in Regional Trade Agreements", Joint WTO - World Bank Symposium on Movement of Natural Persons (Mode 4) under the Gats, 2002, visited 2009-06-16)

Relations sémantiques

Facteur/Résultat LABOUR MOBILITY
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette