En Es Fr

G7 (En)

Synonymes ou variantes : Group of Seven
Équivalents : G7 (Fr)
G7 (Sp)
Domaine : Économie


Seven of the world's leading countries that meet periodically to work together on international economic and monetary issues, and other environmental or security issues.


The G7 was the successor of the G5, created in 1975 to deal with the major economic and political issues facing the group's domestic societies and the international community as a whole. Member countries of the G7 included the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Canada, Italy, Japan and Germany.

Russia became a member in 1996, creating what is now known as the G8.

"The G7/8 Summit has consistently dealt with macroeconomic management, international trade, and relations with developing countries. Questions of East-West economic relations, energy, and terrorism have also been of recurrent concern. From this initial foundation the summit agenda has broadened considerably to include microeconomic issues such as employment and the information highway, transnational issues such as the environment, crime and drugs, and a host of political-security issues ranging from human rights through regional security to arms control."
(G8 Information Centre, "What is the G8?", University of Toronto, visited 2008-06-30)

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Quasi-synonyme TRIAD
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette