En Es Fr

Illegal worker

Synonymes ou variantes : Illicit worker
Équivalents : Trabajador ilegal
Travailleur illégal
Domaine : Travailleur


A worker who does not declare employment activities to authorities in order to avoid taxes or penalties for the illegal conditions of employment. The job itself is often illegal.


"Illegal workers run the risk of unfair exploitation and human rights violations. Since their employment is illegal, neither they nor their employers notify the authorities that they are working. This means that it is virtually impossible to keep track of them, or afford them any protection. Moreover, many of these illegal workers are at the mercy of underground brokers who find them jobs and dictate their terms of employment. This leaves them exposed to a variety of potential abuses, including restrictions of their freedom of movement, violation of their contracts, and embezzlement of their wages."
(United Nations (UN), The Economics of Migration and Remittances Under Globalization, 2006, visited 2009-05-13)

Relations sémantiques

Spécifique Illegal foreign worker
Acteur/Action ILLEGAL WORK
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette