En Es Fr

Indirect labour cost

Équivalents : Costo de mano de obra indirecta
Frais de main-d'œuvre indirecte
Domaine : Organisation de la production


A portion of the operating expenses incurred by a company, which includes contributions to social security funds, sick pay and other social payments and vocational training costs.


"Total labour costs represent the sum of costs incurred by employers for employees' remuneration, recruitment and training, as well as social welfare services. They include both direct labour costs and indirect labour costs, minus subsidies.

Direct labour costs include: direct remuneration and bonuses […]; payments for days not worked […]; payments to employees' saving schemes; bonuses for being on call to work; bonuses based on profit; other direct costs, i.e. company products, cost of staff housing, company cars, etc.

Indirect labour costs include:
  • Statutory social security and insurance schemes contributions: i.e. in respect of employees' pension, sickness, health, unemployment and occupational accidents;
  • Supplementary social security contributions, in respect of supplementary pension, sickness, unemployment and other insurance schemes;
  • Employers' imputed social contributions, including direct payments to employees regarded as social security costs (e.g. payments to employees in the event of sickness, and severance and termination pay);
  • Vocational training costs;
  • Remuneration of apprentices (of which: bonuses; social security contributions on behalf of employees and other expenditure for apprentices);
  • Recruitment costs;
  • Social benefits, i.e. cost of welfare services, such as canteens and meal vouchers, anniversary awards, education, cultural, recreational and related services, and other contributions to social funds;
  • Taxes considered as labour cost."
(International Labour Organization (ILO), Labour cost Survey, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, visited 22-02-2011)

Relations sémantiques

Contrastif Direct labour cost
Quantificateur INDIRECT LABOUR
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette