En Es Fr

Information economy

Équivalents : Economía de la información
Économie de l'information
Domaine : Économie


"A knowledge-based economy dominated by knowledge-based industries such as computers, pharmaceuticals and consulting services."
(Department of Finance Canada, Information economy, Glossary of Frequently-Used Terms, 2000, visited 2010-09-24)


The information economy "is characterized by (1) convergence and integration of communication and data processing technologies into information technology (IT), (2) pervasive influence of IT on economic activity such that the most workers are information workers and most products are information products, and (3) application of IT networks throughout the economic institutions, organizations, and processes resulting in a very high degree flexibility, weakening of regulatory control, and acceleration of globalization. However, since every IT-based economy must coexist with a vast manufacturing sector in which knowledge is not the basic raw material, the claim that the new economy differs fundamentally from the traditional economy remains contentious."
(BusinessDictionary, Information economy, visited 2010-09-24)
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette