En Es Fr

Itinerant work

Synonymes ou variantes : Nomadic work
Équivalents : Trabajo itinerante
Travail itinérant
Domaine : Secteur d'activité


Work that requires frequent travel in order to be performed.


The following characteristics are indicators of itinerant work:
  • Travel is a fundamental part of the employee's work.
  • A "web" of work places exists in the employee's regular employment, that is, the employee has no fixed place of work.
  • The employee must regularly work at more than one work site before returning to his or her usual place of residence.
  • The employee has a degree of uncertainty of location in his or her employment (that is, no long term plan and no regular pattern exists).
  • The employee is required to carry bulky equipment from home to different work sites.
  • The employer provides an allowance in recognition of the employee's need to travel continually between different work sites.
(adapted from Australian Government, Income tax: employees carrying out itinerant work, visited 2010-02-24)

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Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette