En Es Fr

Labour conditions

Synonymes ou variantes : Working conditions
Workplace conditions
Équivalents : Condiciones de trabajo
Conditions de travail
Domaine : Travailleur


A set of conditions typically specified in an employment contract which may include pay, holidays, safety and other elements related to the working environment.


Working conditions are usually specified in an employment contract, in accordance with labour law and international labour regulation.

"Minimum standards for working conditions are defined in each country but the large majority of workers, including many of those whose conditions are most in need of improvement, are excluded from the scope of existing labour protection measures.
Many ILO standards are applicable to these unprotected workers and the ILO has considerable information on their working conditions problems."
(International Labour Organization, Working Conditions, 2007, visited 2010-11-03)
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette