En Es Fr

Money laundering

Équivalents : Blanchiment d'argent
Lavado de dinero
Domaine : Économie


"The process by which those engaging in criminal activity conceal the illegal origin of the resulting property or income."
(Europa Glossary, Measures to combat money laundering, Glossary, visited 2011-03-10)


"Money laundering is the term applied to the act of concealing the origins of money earned through criminal activities and of releasing it unnoticed into legitimate business activities. Money laundering is most commonly associated with drug trafficking. However, any number of criminal activities may give rise to money laundering, e.g. embezzlement, corruption, blackmail, trafficking in people, to name just a few."
(SwissBanking, The fight against money laundering, Swiss Bankers Association, visited 2011-03-10)

"Under Title VI of the Treaty on European Union (police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters -- third pillar), action to combat money laundering is seen primarily as part of the battle against organised crime and terrorism."
(Europa Glossary, Measures to combat money laundering, Glossary, visited 2011-03-10)

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Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette