En Es Fr

Science park worker

Équivalents : Trabajador de parque científico
Travailleur en parc scientifique
Domaine : Travailleur


A person who works for "an organisation managed by specialised professionals, whose main aim is to increase the wealth of its community by promoting the culture of innovation and the competitiveness of its associated businesses and knowledge-based institutions."
(IASP International Board, Science Park. IASP Official definition, 2002, visited 2011-03-18)


"A Science Park stimulates and manages the flow of knowledge and technology amongst universities, R&D institutions, companies and markets; it facilitates the creation and growth of innovation-based companies through incubation and spin-off processes; and provides other value-added services together with high quality space and facilities. […]

The IASP definition of "Science Park" encompasses other terms and expressions such as "Technology Park", "Technopolis", "Technopole", "Technology Precinct", "Research Park" etc. Although there may be certain differences between them, projects under these afore-mentioned labels share many goals, elements and methodology and therefore come under the remit of this definition."
(IASP International Board, Science Park. IASP Official definition, 2002, 2011-03-18)

Relations sémantiques

Lieu typique Science park
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette