En Es Fr


Synonymes ou variantes : Slave labourer
Équivalents : Esclave
Domaine : Travailleur


A person who is exploited through forced and unpaid labor in which he/she does not possess the right to self-ownership.


"Several characteristics distinguish slavery from other human rights violations. A slave is:
  • Forced to work through mental or physical threat;
  • Owned or controlled by an ‘employer,' usually through mental or physical abuse or threatened abuse;
  • Dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought and sold as ‘property';
  • Constrained physically or has restrictions placed on his/her freedom of movement."
(Anti-Slavery International, What is modern slavery?, 2006, visited 2011-02-15)

Relations sémantiques

Spécifique Sex slave
Multiple Slave labour
Quasi-synonyme FORCED LABOURER
Acteur/Action Forced labour
Législation Slavery Convention
Objet Human trafficking
Propriété Slavery
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette