En Es Fr

Specific-employment migrant worker

Synonymes ou variantes : Specified-employment migrant worker
Équivalents : Trabajador migrante contratado para una tarea específica
Travailleur migrant admis pour un emploi déterminé
Domaine : Travailleur


A worker who has been sent by his or her employer for a restricted and defined period of time to a another State to undertake a specific assignment or duty and who is required to depart from the State of employment either at the expiration of his or her authorized period of stay, or earlier.
(adapted from Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, 1990, visited 2010-05-11)
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette