En Es Fr

Structural Adjustment Program

Synonymes ou variantes : SAP
Structural adjustment
Équivalents : Programa de ajuste estructural
Programme d'ajustement structurel
Domaine : Économie


Programme initiated by the World Bank and the IMF during the debt crisis of the 1980s to provide loans to countries to help them meet their debt service upon the condition that they implement "structural adjustments."


A structural adjustment program mentions"[t]he list of budgetary and policy changes required by the IMF and World Bank in order for a developing country to qualify for a loan. This "conditionality" typically includes reducing barriers to trade and capital flows, tax increases, and cuts in government spending."
(Deardorff, A., Structural adjustment program, Deardorff's Glossary of International Economics, visited 2010-05-28)

"These [structural adjustments] have typically involved cutbacks in government spending, wage reductions, privatization of State enterprises and reduced governmental regulation of the economy and business".
(Unterm, Structural adjustment, visited 2010-03-16)

"A programme of policies designed to change the structure of an economy. Usually, the term refers to adjustment towards a market economy, under a programme approved by the IMF and/or WORLD BANK, which often supply structural adjustment funds to ease the pain of transition."
(The Economist, Structural adjustment, visited 2010-03-16)

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© Jeanne Dancette