En Es Fr

Transnational community

Équivalents : Communauté transnationale
Comunidad transnacional
Domaine : Économie


A community made up of individuals or groups that are established within different national societies.


Transnational communities act on the basis of shared interests and references (economic, political, socio-cultural, territorial, religious or linguistic). Their members build networks to strengthen their solidarity beyond national borders.

The phenomenon of transnational community "calls into question the relationships between territory and nation-state, the very concept of citizenship, and the principle of a single allegiance expected from members of a political community. This is a ‘new social space' based on transnational networks connecting the home country and the country of residence, and fostering the participation of the immigrants in the life of the two national spaces. The transnational community is structured by political action in both countries. It circulates ideas, behaviours, identities and other elements making up to the social capital."
(Bruneau, M., Transnational community, Hypergéo, 2004, visited 2010-01-10)

Relations sémantiques

Lieu typique Transnational household
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette