En Es Fr

Care sector

Équivalents : Secteur de prestation de soins
Sector de prestación de servicios
Domaine : Secteur d'activité


Sector representing the private and public economic activities related to caring for clients' physical and mental well-being.


The care sector falls within the tertiary or service sector. It includes services such as child care, health care, home care, and social care. This could mean a wide range of public and private activities including babysitting, nursing, social or dental work, or even rest home management.

The formal care sector is generally highly regulated in western countries, where standards and legislation concerning quality of care are common.

Informal care workers (often female domestic workers, nannies for instance) tend to escape regulatory requirements and do not benefit from union advantages or employment legislation.

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Lieu typique FEMALE LABOUR
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette