En Es Fr

Construction worker

Équivalents : Obrero de la construcción
Ouvrier en construction
Domaine : Travailleur


A worker who engages in construction work such as erecting buildings, providing structures, making and repairing highways, etc.


In a case study on the problems of the construction industry in Germany, it was estimated by IG BAU that "one third of the GDP in the construction sector and handicraft is created via informal work" and that "[i]nformal migrant workers receive wages more than 30% below or just about 10 to 15% of the minimum wage of the construction sector." Such construction workers find themselves in a situation of precarity and are not adequately protected by the country's legal provisions.
(Agtas, O., L. Sauviat and B. Amler, Why not Organising? Trade Unions and Precarious Migrant Workers in Germany, South Korea, and Spain, Global Labour University, Berlin, 2007, visited 2010-02-16)

Relations sémantiques

Lieu typique Construction sector
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette