Part-time work

Synonymes ou variantes : Part time work
Équivalents : Trabajo a tiempo parcial
Travail à temps partiel
Domaine : Worker


Employment consisting of working hours which are shorter than the standard full-time hours.


"The forms that part-time work takes vary to a great extent, not only with respect to the number of hours worked, but also to their distribution across the working day, week, month and year. Part-time work can also take special forms, such as job-sharing (one full-time job is split into two part-time jobs, progressive retirement (reducing working time for older workers close to retirement age) and parental leave that can be taken on a part-time basis (reducing working hours for parents)."
(International Labour Organization (ILO), Part-time work, visited 2009-06-16)

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© Jeanne Dancette