Sex slave

Équivalents : Esclave sexuel
Esclavo sexual
Domaine : Worker


A person who is sexually exploited through forced labour in which he/she does not possess the right to self-ownership.


"The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that as many as 12.3 million people worldwide have been sold into modern-day slavery -- men, women, and children forced into labor and sexual servitude against their will and with little hope of recourse.

Some 80 percent of cross-border trafficking victims are women and girls sold into the commercial sex trade. Trafficking routes traditionally follow economic trends, and for many years, women from the former Soviet Union were sold and shuttled to places like Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Western Europe, and the United States."
(Benea, R. and K. Ismayilova, Weak Laws, Energy Wealth Fuel Rise In Sex Trade, visited 2009-06-15)

Relations sémantiques




Slave labour
© Jeanne Dancette