Synonymes ou variantes : GLOBAL ECONOMIC TRIAD
Équivalents : TRÍADA
Domaine : Economy


The trio formed by three economic zones: North America, the European Union and Japan, which include all members of the G7.


"For both BITs [bilateral investment treaties] and DTTs [double taxation treaties], the Triad's associate partners (countries with more than 30% of their FDI [foreign direct investment] with a Triad member) score higher than non-associate partners. This suggests that the ‘economic space' for Triad members and their developing country associates is being enlarged from national to regional—and that treaties are making investment blocks stronger. The emerging nexus of mutually reinforcing trade and investment agreements may be providing gains for the developing countries that are ‘insiders' in such mega blocks."
(UNCTAD, World Investment Report, 2003, visited 2011-06-16)


Compared to the rest of the world, Triad countries share a common level of economic and social development as well as a similar demographic evolution.

The Triad represents a concentration of wealth and activity. Although it represents only 13% of the world's population, it accounts for two-thirds of the global GDP and half of world trade. The three blocks are involved in 85% of foreign direct investment and favour capital flow between one another (increasingly so as flows from rich to poor countries have considerably decreased since the 1980s). The importance of trade between Triad partners reveals its growing economic integration. The United States plays a major role in this interdependent network: it exports to Europe and Japan and is highly dependent upon Japan's investments to finance its deficit.

Relations sémantiques


G7 (En)


G8 (En)
Global integration
© Jeanne Dancette