Unskilled labour 2

Synonymes ou variantes : Common labour 2
Unskilled manpower
Équivalents : Main-d'œuvre non qualifiée
Mano de obra no calificada
Domaine : Worker


A group of individuals who usually perform unskilled, manual work involving relatively simple duties which may be learned quickly and without need for substantial judgement or special skills.


"Immigration always harms local workers with similar skill levels to those of the arriving workers, while benefiting local owners of other factors. But any inflow of unskilled labour will be especially valuable for high-skilled workers in sectors that use unskilled labour more intensively, but it will still benefit all high-skilled workers since output (and demand for their skills) will rise in each industry."
(Ravenhill, J., Global Political Economy, New York: Oxford University Press, 2005)

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Unskilled labour 1
© Jeanne Dancette