En Es Fr

GSP product

Synonymes ou variantes : Preference product
Équivalents : Producto del GSP
Produit régi par le système généralisé de préférences
Domaine : Mondialisation équitable


A product that is eligible for the generalized system of preferences (GSP) program through which it receives duty-free status at the moment of exportation.


To qualify for the GSP program, "products must:
  1. Fall within a description of products eligible for preference in the country of destination. The description entered on the form must be sufficiently entailed to enable the products to be identified by the customs officer examining them;
  2. Comply with the rules of origin of the country of destination. Each article in a consignment must qualify separately in its own right; and
  3. Comply with the consignment conditions specified by the country of destination. In general, products must be consigned directly from the country of exportation to the country of destination, but most preference-giving countries accept passage through."
(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Generalized System of Preferences: Rules of Origin, 2007, visited 24-09-2010)

Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette