En Es Fr

Wage flexibility

Équivalents : Flexibilidad salarial
Flexibilité des salaires
Domaine : Travailleur


"[T]he ability of a firm to vary wage levels according to criteria of ability to pay and productivity".
(Wailes, N., and R., Lansbury, Collective bargaining and flexibility: Australia, Industrial and employment relations department (DIALOGUE), 2000, visited 2009-10-14)


"A distinction is often made between downward wage flexibility associated with efforts to minimize wage costs and upward wage flexibility where firms can link pay levels to productivity improvements. Changes associated with the indexation of wages and minimum wage levels; the level (national, industry and enterprise) at which wage determination takes place in an economy; changes in pay, grade and skill structures and pay for knowledge schemes; the linking of pay to performance including gain-sharing and special bonus schemes; and rationalization of total elements of remuneration are said to be amongst the factors which can have an impact on the level of wage flexibility at the economy-wide and individual firm levels."
(Wailes, N., and R., Lansbury, Collective bargaining and flexibility: Australia, Industrial and employment relations department (DIALOGUE), 2000, visited 2009-10-14)

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Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette