En Es Fr

Agricultural duties

Synonymes ou variantes : Agricultural tariffs
Équivalents : Derechos de aduana agrícolas
Droits de douane sur les produits agricoles
Domaine : Économie


Customs duties levied on imported agricultural products.


"The role of an agricultural tariff is to provide discounted rates for customers engaged in agricultural activities."
(California Public Utilities Commission (PUC), , 2005, visited 2009-19-05)

"There is a high degree of variance in agricultural tariffs both within and between individual countries, and tariff escalation (higher tariffs on more processed products, which gives greater protection to the processing industry of the importing country) still prevails in several important product chains (e.g. coffee, cocoa, oilseeds, vegetables, fruit and nuts and hides and skins)."
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Commodity Market Review, 2002, visited 2009-19-05)

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Quantificateur AGRIBUSINESS (En)
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© Jeanne Dancette