En Es Fr

Seed piracy

Équivalents : Piratage de semences
Piratería de semillas
Domaine : Mondialisation équitable


The act of replanting or illegally selling patented genetically modified seeds.


"Monsanto put out a document in which it said […] ‘saving and replanting seed is seed piracy.' In India, to not save seed, and to not replant seed, is sin. To save seed is our highest moral duty. And it has been for every agricultural society."
(Shiva, V., Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology , visited 2006-11-11)


Seed piracy involves the unauthorized use of patented seeds by farmers, in violation of applicable intellectual property rights. Growers are considered guilty whether or not they previously purchased the seeds from a biotech firm. The term "seed piracy" has been widely used since the late 1990s when Monsanto accused many farmers of piracy.
(adapted from GRAIN, Latin America: Privatising Seed Laws, visited 2011-02-11)

Relations sémantiques

Spécifique Seed biopiracy
Concept proche AGRIBUSINESS (En)
Privatization of life
Dictionnaire analytique de la mondialisation et du travail
© Jeanne Dancette